TO KILL A Mockingbird

Posted on Aug 10, 2021 by Allen
American literature Racial inequality Harper Lee


Name Relationship (respect to main character)
Atticus father
Jem brother
Scout main character
Calpurnia their cook
Dill his aunt is Miss Rachel
Mr.Radley Boo and Mr. Nathan Radley are his two sons
Miss Caroline Scout’s first grade teacher
Burris He's a truant
Eula May Maycomb's leading telephone operator
Jack Finch Scout and Jem’s uncle
Francis Aunt Alexandra’s kid
Tim Johnson liver-colored bird dog & the pet of Maycomb
Mrs. Dubose an old and sick women who is addicted to morphine

In the Courtroom

Name Role About
Judge Talyor judge in charge of Tom Robinson's case
Bert reporter court’s reporter
Tom Robinson defendant He has three sons with Helen
Mayella Ewell victim She was beaten up by someone
Mr. Robert Ewell accuser father of Mayella Ewell
Mr. Gilmer solicitor whose witness is Mr. Ewell
Mr. Heck Tate witness witness
Mr. Link Deas audience Tom works for his field


  • It drew him as the moon draws water (Part One)
  • You never really understand a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it
  • no matter how bitter things get, they’re still our friends.
  • we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win


  • count one’s chickens (before they hatch) : to mean that someone should not depend on something hoped for until he or she knows for certain that it will happen
  • frog-sticking without a light : when someone dealing with sth. without sufficient equipment with it


Phrase meaning Allusion
Let this cup pass from you is a biblical allusion to the sacrifice of Jesus This indicates that by taking Tom Robinson’s case, Atticus will be making a sacrifice in order to do what is morally right.


  • mortification : 難堪、丟臉
  • consession : (常指為結束爭端而作出的)讓步
  • bargain : 協議
  • fishy : 可疑的
  • lick : (在競賽、爭鬥等中)輕易打敗
  • evasion:藉口
  • rigid : 僵硬的
  • resent : 感到憤恨
  • druthers : 按(某人)的意願
  • fit : expression of great anger
  • perplexed : 困惑
  • contemptuous : 輕蔑的
  • affected : 做作的
  • more...


Part One

It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.
If you know that you’ll fail, but you insist on standing up for what you believe in, or fighting for what is important to you, then you’re showing real courage.